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Gay Men's Health


Though not exclusive to sexual orientation, some health issue occurs more often in gay men than in straight men.

  • Men who have sex with men (MSM) are at a higher risk of contracting HIV. The CDC reports that in 2010, MSM accounted for 78% of new HIV infections among males and 63% of all new infections. It is important to get tested regularly and to use protection with every single time. There is also about the 6-month lag time between the time the virus is contracted and the time where a test turns positive. 1 in 5 men who are HIV positive, do not know it.
  • The same-sex relationship at a higher risk for depression and anxiety. This is especially true in men who are still coming to terms with or trying to hide their sexual orientation. Depression manifests differently in everyone and could encourage risky behaviors, including alcohol and drug abuse or high-risk sexual behavior.
  • It's common for gay men to experience body image issues and, in some cases, eating disorders. It’s important to understand the differences between healthy and unhealthy eating and exercise habits.
  • In some cases, gay men are at increased risk for several types of cancer—including prostate, testicular, and colon cancers. In addition, gay men, as well as anyone who has receptive anal sex, are at higher risk for anal cancer due to an increased risk of becoming infected with human papillomavirus (HPV), the virus that causes genital and anal warts.

Dr. Movassaghi takes pride in providing a comfortable environment without homophobia or negative stigma to prioritize our patients’ health needs. He provides screening for all sexually transmitted diseases and has partnered with mental health professionals, nutritionists as well as other physicians to be able to cater optimally to all patients’ health concerns and needs.


As one of the leading men’s urologists in Los Angeles, Dr.Movassaghi is the Director of the comprehensive men’s health program at the prestigious Providence St. John’s Men’s Health Center.

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Mehran Movassaghi, MD
2001 Santa Monica Boulevard
Suite 460W
Santa Monica, CA 90404